Kategorien lens review

46 Beiträge

Allein am Baum

Aufgenommen mit Nikon Nikkor 35mm f1.4 AI und Sony Alpha 7R Mark III, ISO 100, 1/1600 sek und F2.0

Walking into the light

Into the light

Photo taken with Leitz Wetzlar Elmarit-R 2,8/35mm and Sony Alpha 7R Mark III at Metro Station Móricz Zsigmond körtér, Budapest

Plattenbau Romance

Late afternoon dark clouds were crossing the City and inbetween warm sun illuminated this typical Plattenbau-Building. Actually these buildings can be found in Budapest oldest […]

Dinner in the grasslands

Walking through the fields right after sunset and experimenting with my recently purchased Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar accidentally this Insect set the scene. Considering this […]

Spot on

Of course this was edited and intentionally put into a dark mode, but still there was this spot of sunlight directly illuminating only those flowers. […]


Photos taken with Nikon Nikkor 2/35mm AI-s and Sony Alpha 7R Mark III