mit den augen sehen, mit licht malen
mit den augen sehen, mit licht malen

Public Art – Metro car breaking out of the ground – Csákberény

The subway car breaking out of the ground – this is the title of the work, because that’s how it is. It was made according to the plan of Ildikó Zsemlye and was inaugurated in May 2016 on the outskirts of the settlement.

But two years before that, in 2014, the car was parked there – at that time, of course, there was no installation, it was just standing on the outskirts of the village, and no one knew how this mysterious subway car could have gotten there, the local man said. There was also a joke that “Budapest’s subway M4 would have come this far” and stuff like that, but in this village they just laughed.

Then the design, earthwork and construction of the installation began. It was then declared that the work was a symbolic spectacle, it could even symbolize the rise of the nation.

After all, a subway car, which had to exist deep in the dark, is finally coming out of the ground.

Photo taken with Tamron 17-28/2,8 and Sony Alpha 7R Mark III

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