mit den augen sehen, mit licht malen
mit den augen sehen, mit licht malen

English isn’t my mother tongue – Back to German

It’s going round in my mind for a while now and today I decided to switch the language of my blog back to german. Even though I see that not only a small part of my blog‘s audience is from abroad I‘d like to use my mother tongue to express myself.

Seeing that recents my posts only contain photographs and a vey few words added to them it won’t make much difference for my international followers if I switch back to german.

For those who like my photographs it will not really matter at the end.

Actually I would like to provide more information additionally to my post and to be honest I’d feel more comfortable to do this in german.

If you‘d like stay – main content will be „Fotografie“ anyways.

Cheers Dirk

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