
339 Beiträge
Ich bin ambitionierter semi-professioneller Fotograf. Meine aktuelle Familiensituation gibt mir die Möglichkeit sowohl in Deutschland und auch in Ungarn, im speziellem in Budapest, unterwegs zu sein. Meine Main-Genres sind Landschaft, Natur und Städte.

open roundhouse

Vehicles of the Hungarian Railway Museum in the roundhouse on the museum’s ground. Well taking care of these engine worth a visit..Shot taken with:Sony Alpha […]

Celestial Flamescape

Klagshamn, Skåne, Sweden The image shows a stunning sunset over a body of water, with the clouds in the sky glowing in intense reds, oranges […]

The lonely camper van

This van was parked near a city forrest – I am not sure if it is being used for living. Photo taken with Sony Alpha […]

Garden of lights Budapest

First time ever the garden of light presented its exhibition in Budapest. The Area of Füvészkert is ideal to host an exhibition of Alice’s Adventures […]

Winterland fields

Photo taken with Leitz Germany APO-Macro-Elmarit 2.8/100mm and Sony Alpha 7R Mark III


Shot was taken in Vérteskozma, Hungary